This is an exciting time of your life, and we can help guide you through the nine months of your pregnancy, birth and the early stages at home.

West Auckland Midwives provide you with all your antenatal, labour and delivery, and postnatal care.  We can order your blood test, scans and prescribe pregnancy related medicines. Within our practice, we provide you with any birth preference you wish; drug free, pain relief including epidurals and
water births.

Stages_of _pregnancy

The baby can see light through the wall of your womb at twenty-nine weeks...

Arm and leg buds appear at week five of pregnancy...


You may start to feel your baby moving about eighteen weeks...


At twelve weeks finger and toenails appear...


By thirty-five weeks your baby's kidneys & liver is fully developed ...

Eyebrows and eyelashes are well formed by twenty-six weeks...

You may start to feel your baby moving about eighteen weeks...

The baby can hear noises in your womb by twenty-three weeks...

Your baby is about the size of a lime at week twelve...

Your baby’s mouth is developing tooth buds by eight weeks...

Midwifery visits

First time mothers

10, 16, 22, 26, 30, 33, 36, 38, 40, 41 weeks pregnant

Midwifery visits

Had a baby before

10, 16, 24, 30, 33, 36, 38, 40, 41
weeks pregnant

What to expect

Week by week

 If you have a mobile phone you could check out the apps below.

It is always exciting to see how your baby is safely developing within your uterus, here are two links……


If you have been exercising prior to getting pregnant, it is safe to carry on…

However do listen to your body and if you are tired and wanting to sleep more, please do so. It is advisable not to use steam or sauna rooms while pregnant, and to keep your temperature below 39.4˚C, so a water bottle to keep yourself cool is recommended for those of you who have been exercising prior to getting pregnant. It is important not to embark on a new fitness regime after you discover you are pregnant. Walking or swimming is a good way to stay active during pregnancy.

Although you are growing a baby now, you do not need to eat for two. 

An average weight gain is 12-15 kg during pregnancy. However we have noticed that women who were underweight prior to pregnancy put on a little more than the average. Women who have been overweight prior to pregnancy, with good eating habits often put on less than 12kgs. Good ideas on foods to include in your diet


Discomforts of pregnancy


Morning sickness

It is one of the most common physical complaints of early pregnancy and is due to your body’s reaction to the high levels of pregnancy hormones in the body.

Back ache_while_prenancy

Your back

As your baby bump grows, your lower spine will curve inwards to support your baby’s weight and the top of your spine will curve slightly outwards to support the growth of your breasts.



It is normal for a woman to feel tired at different stages of her pregnancy. Some newly pregnant women become extremely fatigued during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.



Headaches can be common in the early stages of pregnancy due to the abundance of hormonal changes in the weeks following conception.

What to pack for the hospital

It’s quite exciting when you start to pack your bag for the hospital…

this means baby is getting much closer to joining your family.

Waitakere Maternity Unit uses disposable nappies, but it is always a good idea to also bring a few of your own.

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