Our Practice
Congratulations on your pregnancy!
This is an exciting time of your life, and we can help guide you through the nine months of your pregnancy, birth and the early stages at home.
West Auckland Midwives provide you with all your antenatal, labour and delivery, and postnatal care. We can order your blood test, scans and prescribe pregnancy related medicines. Within our practice, we provide you with any birth preference you wish; drug free, pain relief including epidurals and water births.
We are a group of midwives who are easy to approach, good listeners and have great sense of humours, all while maintaining a high standard of professionalism. We love being involved with pregnant women, their families and babies.
We believe that pregnancy and childbirth are normal life events and in the majority
of cases proceed without any problems.
Our midwifery skills are strong in picking up on problems early that may need a doctors involvement. We have an excellent working relationship with the doctors at Waitakere Maternity Unit and have no hesitation in referring you to them if we have any concerns about you or your baby.
Referrals can also be made to; antenatal classes, hospital dieticians, lactations consultants, physiotherapist and social workers and stop smoking programmes.
Our Area
We cover the West Auckland area, delivering at Waitakere Maternity Unit only, and in selected cases at home, if it is the women’s choice.
Our Midwives
Go to the Our Midwives page to learn a little more about each of us and see if we have spaces available for you.
Useful Links
The wheel has not been re-invented with our website, there are many excellent sites out there with pregnancy, birth and baby information for you…we have included links to some of them for you to enjoy.
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